Orion Digital Solutions

Egypt Electronic Invoicing and E-Receipt

Ministerial Decision No 188 for 2020 was issued to enforce all corporate tax payers to implement ETA e-Invoice system in 2021. This means that you need to connect your ERP or Accounting System with the ETA E-Invoice portal.
Orion has worked with dozens of companies to implement this integration for multinational and local companies. We provide business consultancy, technical consultancy as well as our own e-invoice software that can easily enable you to meet the ETA deadline.
With Orion, you can be fully compliant from a tax and technical standpoint in a matter of days. Our solution has been audited and certified by several multinational companies.

Integrate your ERP / Accounting Software with ETA E-Invoicing Portal

Orion end-to-end e-invoicing solution meets 100% of the Egyptian Tax Authority requirements including digital signature. Our solution is deployed on-premise and can be customized to meet your company’s IT and security requirements.

Our solution loads invoice data directly from an xlsx or csv file that has been extracted directly from the ERP system, or it can read invoice details directly from a database table. This approach allows for a fully automated process without having to make any complex integrations with your ERP system.

Extract invoices directly from database table or CSV/XLS file. All line item details are needed
Map the invoice fields to the correct the tax authority fields. CS1 codes and customer info
Convert the Invoice to the Tax authority JSON format
Sign each converted document electronically using FEITIAN ePass2003 PKI Token
Submit the signed invoices to the Tax authority via the web service.
Store submit status of each invoice along with any returned errors.

Orion e-Invoice Solution High Level Functionality

Orion’s Solution will load Invoices, Credit Notes and Debit Notes from a database table or an external file (generated from ERP system), then submit them to the tax authority e-invoicing system.

The solution will be deployed on a physical machine on-prem.

The solution is built using Microsoft Dot Net / SQL Server as a middleware console application.


Load Invoices from Excel or Database Tables
A query / extract needs to be created on the ERP to extract invoices, credit notes and debit notes and download them to a file or table on a daily basis. The Orion application will be scheduled to run after the ERP extract and read the contents of this file/table in order to start the submission process.
Field Mapping
The application will perform field mapping (if needed) in order to map item codes, customer codes, GL accounts, etc to the proper references used by the ETA.
Conversion to ETA JSON Format
Convert each invoice to the JSON format requested by the ETA. using any mappings.
Electronic Signature
Perform the hashing and signing of the JSON invoice using CADES-BES standard requested by the ETA. Our solution supports the FEITIAN PKI Token and the ePass2003 driver.
Submission to ETA Portal
Use the ETA web services to submit batches of signed invoices and ensure that each invoice was accepted by the ETA portal.
Invoice Tracking and Reporting
Continuous monitoring of the submitted invoices and presenting the results in a summarized and actionable dashboard to allow the users to re-submit any invoices on-time.



Runs On-Prem
Orion e-Invoice solution has a very small footprint and can be installed on any Windows PC (Desktop, Laptop, Server) with minimal hardware configuration. Requires Dot Net Framework, SQL Server Express.
Runs as a Console Application
Orion e-Invoice solution is a lightweight console application that can be run from the command line, or scheduled to run on a daily basis using Windows Scheduler.
Easily Customizable
Can be customized to load invoice line items from different sources (XLS, CSV, DB tables, etc.) and perform any customer specific calculations to the data in the file.
Backups and Archiving
Logs are stored in an SQL server database that can be backed up and archived easily. Orion e-Invoice Solution archives processed files to an archive folder
API Management to ETA Portal
Handles all communication with portal via the ETA web services. Manages all known exceptions such as server timeouts, duplicates detection, optimizing number of API calls, etc. Our solution is regularly updated with the latest changes published by the ETA.
Reporting and Notifications
Orion e-Invoice Solution sends an email after each run with the summary of results that includes the status of each submitted invoice. Orion e-Invoice solution has a Power BI dashboard that shows all the submitted invoices statuses.



Why Work With Us?

The use of custom-built computer vision solutions allow you to derive many practical benefits with minimal efforts.
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lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sit amet odio enim. Praesent bibendum dictum magna, non dapibus purus. Aenean faucibus mi ac augue consequat, at semper arcu dapibus. Orci varius natoque pcnatibus ct magnis dis parturient montes. nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus vitae neque viverra, ultriccs odio eget bibendum sapien.
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus sit amet odio enim. Praesent bibendum dictum magna, non dapibus purus. Aenean faucibus mi ac augue consequat, at semper arcu dapibus. Orci varius natoque pcnatibus ct magnis dis parturient montes. nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus vitae neque viverra, ultriccs odio eget bibendum sapien.
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All companies that are registered for VAT in Egypt and sell taxable goods or provide such services.
The Egypt Tax Authority (ETA) implemented a plan for the e-Receipt system. In contrast to the e-invoice (for business-to-business transactions), the new e-Receipt system comprises business-to-customer transactions.
The e-Receipt must be generated by responsible taxpayers in JSON format. Sample JSON files are published on the ETA website.
  • Increased efficiency: e-Invoicing can help businesses save time and money by automating the invoicing process.
  • Improved accuracy: e-Invoicing can help reduce errors in invoicing by providing a more structured and controlled process.
  • Increased compliance: e-Invoicing can help businesses to comply with tax regulations by providing a more auditable trail.
  • Improved customer service: e-Invoicing can help businesses to improve customer service by providing a faster and more efficient way to issue invoices.
  1. Register with the Tax Authority's e-invoicing system.
  2. Use/develop an e-invoicing solution.
  3. Issue all invoices electronically.

As per ETA:

  • Fines of up to EGP 100,000.
  • Imprisonment of up to 3 years.
  • Revocation of the business's license to operate.

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